

For my J452 Strategic PR Communication class we needed to create an infographic for an assignment. I knew I wanted my info graphic to focus on travel and according to Forbes Magazine in 2013 Bangkok was the most traveled to city in the world. International Travel is undervalued in America; only 30 percent of Americans have passports (CNN). To highlight the importance of travel I compared a flight to Bangkok with the cost of black coffee. The amount of money the average American spends on coffee annually is the same cost of a plane ticket to Bangkok.

I included the number of people who traveled to Bangkok in 2013. I also compared the price of a round trip plane ticket to the amount of money people spend on coffee on average annually. I showcased how much is spent on coffee in a few ways. I show how many cups of black coffee are equivalent to the plane ticket, how much Americans spend on coffee per week and annually.

Here are some tips I would find useful for anyone creating an infographic

  • Pick a color scheme that pops yet is simple. I went with a black background to make my text and images pop. I incorporated yellow and blue that looked well on the black backdrop.
  • Use only two fonts
  • Limit your text. Make sure the most important information is the biggest and only include text that is interesting and will keep the audience wanted to read more.
  • VISUALS, these are critical to any good infographic. Visuals help your audience better understand what you are trying to say.
  • Make sure your infographic flows. Remember your telling a story and their needs to be a call to action.
  • Be creative and have fun